Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Kale: “If not an apple, a bowlful of Kale a day can definitely keep the doctor away”. Read more and you would second this comment.Kale has a number of health benefits because of its richness when it comes to vitamins and other vitals nutrients. To start with, this cabbage is rich in calcium and has high amount of lutein,vitamins A, C, K, E and iron.
Vitamin E is responsible for making Kale an effective antioxidant. Studies have shown that having Kale can actually slow down the decline in mental performance as a result of aging. So, if three servings of this leafy vegetable are consumed everyday, be sure that your memory is going to flatter you.
Manganese is another very important nutrient present in Kale, which is beneficial for health.
Vitamin A and beta carotene content in Kale is excellent for the lungs and eyes.
Vitamin C, on the other hand, is responsible for the production of antioxidants and strengthening the immune system. It also is a very good shield against rheumatoid arthritis.
The natural phytochemicals,  sulforaphane and indoles present in Kale, may give protection against cancer.
Carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin are present in abundance in Kale. These act like natural sunglass filters, protecting our eyes from the harmful ultraviolet rays. There are less chances of developing cataract if Kale is consumed regularly.
Eating Kale can suffice fiber content requirement of the body easily. A cup of Kale with its fiber content reduces the cholesterol and sugar levels in the body. For stronger bones, consuming the required quota of calcium present in Kale on a regular basis will do the trick. Apart from these, Kale consumption is believed to reduce the potent risks of lung, colon, bladder, ovarian and breast cancers.
Eating Tips:

Two easy ways to cook kale are by boiling and sauteing.

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